
My Cherri Amor: Stoli Wild Cherri Vodka Review

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Today for review we have the latest addition to the Stolichnaya Vodka Portfolio. Being a big fan of both Stoli Vodka and Cherry flavored anything, it seemed only natural to give this one a try. Those unfamiliar with the brand need definitely consider adding Stoli original to your liquor cabinet. Unlike many quality brands on the shelves today, the price you pay is actually of equal value if not undervalued for the quality of vodka you receive.

Aroma: If you are a cherry lover, this one will be quite appealing. The first thing that hits you is the perfectly captured strong sense of cherry aroma. Though the initial press release mentions vanilla tones, I don’t notice any. The tartness of the cherry and familiar vodka smell are most apparent.

Taste: When enjoyed straight, specifically in shot form, the taste of vodka dominates over the flavor of the cherry at first leaving a natural cherry and medicinal taste to linger. Though cough syrup is not a popular after taste it’s a taste that has become mostly associated with Cherry Vodkas, but is in fact similar to the true taste of cherry which Stoli captures perfectly. When added to popular mixers the cherry flavor becomes more apparent. It’s almost as if the additional sugar added from your favorite mixer combines with the natural medicinal cherry tone to bring you a more familiar cherry taste offered by popular beverage companies such as minute maid or Tropicana. Pick up a bottle today and try giving one of your classic vodka cocktails a cherry spin.

Price: 19.99 USD (avg)
Grade: B

Stoli Wild Cherri Ricky

2 oz Stoli Cherri
1/2 oz Lime Juice
4 oz Lemon Lime Soda

Stoli Cherri Smash

1 1/2 oz of Stoli Wild Cherri
3/4 oz of Lemon Juice
3/4 oz of Simple Syrup
4 brandied cherries
Splash of cherry cola

Summer Kool-Aid

2 oz Stoli Cherri
4 oz Lemonade
3/4 oz Simple Syrup
1/2 oz Lime Juice

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Alex is a full time consultant with 10+ years experience in the wine & spirits + consumer packaged goods industries. He is not a professional bartender, but is BarSmarts certified and makes a mean caipirinha. When not writing, Alex can be found traveling, spending time with his family, or bar hopping.

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