When life gives you pineapples, you make pineapple rum cream. Ok, it’s not as catchy as the one about limes, but it works for today’s purposes ok? If you remember, awhile back we had the chance to review Blue Chair Bay Key Lime Rum cream and it was delicious. Honestly, we were hooked at first sip, so much that we reached to the brand had a few more of their flavors sent our way to try. This week we’re sipping Blue Chair Bay Pineapple Rum Cream.
Ok so I fell in love with the key lime rum cream we tried last time, and I won’t go as far as to say we didn’t like this pineapple rum cream, but I will say we aren’t as big a fan and here’s why: The pineapple, while rich and complementary to the rum cream, kind of comes off as artificial flavoring. I know, MOST of these flavored liquors are flavored with artificial ingredients but they don’t HAVE to taste like it right? Just my two cents.
Natural, opaque white pearl
Juicy, fresh pineapple greets the nose and brings the senses to the islands
Fresh, tart key lime notes balanced with a creamy meringue sweetness. Hints of cinnamon, almond, and amaretto. Rich graham cracker crust finish.
Overall, this is very smooth, creamy, and sweet without giving you instant diabetes. It’s another easy choice for Summer sipping, beach trips, or helping you feel like you’re on vacation even when you aren’t. As we mentioned last time, Blue Chair Bay Rum is wholly owned by artist Kenny Chesney and he picked a winner with this one. For more information on Blue Chair Bay Rum or their Pineapple Rum Cream, visit their website at www.bluechairbayrum.com. – Cheers!

Alex | Co-Founder
Alex is a full time consultant with 10+ years experience in the wine & spirits + consumer packaged goods industries. He is not a professional bartender, but is BarSmarts certified and makes a mean caipirinha. When not writing, Alex can be found traveling, spending time with his family, or bar hopping.