
4 Ways to Celebrate National Rum Day

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Ok, so it’s a few hours before National Rum Day hits, and you have no plans. WHAT DO YOU DO!  If you can relate to this, then don’t worry, we’re here for you. We’ve sat down, and while having a few drinks of course, come up with 4 awesome ways to celebrate tomorrows holiday…

Wait, you didn’t know tomorrow was a holiday, let alone national rum day? I’ll pretend you’re just kidding because I KNOW by now you’ve got each of the Alcoholidays circled, underlined, and starred on your monthly calendar like we do. Even though we’ve managed to turn every holiday into a drinking fest, that doesn’t mean you should ignore these ones. So, here are 4 ways to celebrate National Rum Day.

Infusing your own Rum: Did you know all those flavored rums you see on the shelf could be made at home? We LOVE to experiment with infusing our own spirits, and you would be surprised how easy it is. Pick a white rum, and then something to infuse it with from there. Here’s a nice How-To guide from Imbibe Magazine to help get you started: Click Here

BYOR [Bring Your Own Rum] Party: Seriously, this one is fun. Invite your closest friends, and ask them each to bring a 750 ML bottle of rum that you’ve never had/heard of before. Then, once everyone arrives you can do a secret Santa style of gifting the rums to each other. You can set a price limit and max too to avoid the cheap skates that love the bottom shelf, and equally, the guy that tries to impress everyone. To keep it interesting you’ll want to shop at a place with a pretty good selection of rums like a Total Wine or ABC Fine Wine & Spirits.

Go To The Bar: This one’s pretty obvious, but did you know most major cities have several bars that are specifically celebrating the holiday. That means specials, good crowds, and probably a nice selection of rums. You don’t have to be stuck at home making drinks when mixologists in your town are shaking up crazy concotions just for this event. Just go to our good friend Google, and type in “National Rum Day in [ Insert Your City Here]”. You’ll find great suggestions. Try one of the classics. Have you ever had a real Daiquiri? Try my favorite, the Dark N Stormy. Or maybe just sample several different types of rums and learn something new. We’ve highlighted a few blogs from around the web focusing on events in their city.

Throw a Zombie Party: Zombies are all the rage these days. From the movie screen, to commercials, to even Zombie Marathons taking place around the country. The Zombie also happens to be one of the most famous rum cocktails around, made famous during the Tiki craze, and still a major player to this day. Now, chances are if you ordered a Zombie at 50 places you would get at least 50 different versions. But, now that we actually know the original zombie recipes as they were made in 1934 and 1950, you too can enjoy the real mccoy just as it was intended, along with a bunch of your closest flesh dripping un-dead friends.

If all else fails, we’ve got a bunch of recipes, ways to celebrate, and places to go listed right here on Intoxicology. We’ve highlighted a few of our past articles that can help you celebrate below:

Glad we could be of some assistance…






Alex is a full time consultant with 10+ years experience in the wine & spirits + consumer packaged goods industries. He is not a professional bartender, but is BarSmarts certified and makes a mean caipirinha. When not writing, Alex can be found traveling, spending time with his family, or bar hopping.

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