
Top 10 tips to Choose Healthy Alcoholic Drinks

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Top 10 tips to Choose Healthy Alcoholic Drinks


Party tonight and worried about hangovers you might get the next morning? Or maybe, you can’t afford to ruin your health goals from those empty calories at happy brunch hours. We understand that the struggle is real, more often than not, drinking as a social lubricant is fine, but its potential side-effects are always on our mind.

While it is not easy to waive off all of them, a few smart tricks can help you enjoy a couple of drinks without derailing you from your health routines.

  • Choose a low-calorie mixer– The probable reason why your drinks are so overloaded with calories is because of the mixture that goes into it. The caloric dense mixtures like sugar syrup, colas, and artificial flavors, raises the sugar content of your drinks and make them unhealthy. You can choose from a range of options like seltzer, lime water, teas, etc. to give you a great taste without compromising on your health.


  • Fill your glass with dry red wine – If you are to drink, thankfully, there is wine. Sipping a glass of wine can provide you with amazing health benefits. One of the healthiest options can be a dry red wine. It has a low amount of sugar, and high levels of resveratrol, making it a good friend to your heart health. You can never go wrong with a dry red wine, drinking it in moderation can make for a great choice.
  • Alternate water and alcohol – One great way to avoid overdrinking is to drink a glass of water in between your drinks. You can try to strategize a glass of water or two, for every drink. This way, you are sure to stay hydrated, and there are fewer chances of feeling dizzy the next morning. Also, start your evening with a tall glass of water and a little snack to avoid chances of overindulging, due to hunger or thirst.
  • Keep a tab on fancy cocktails – The latest trend in cocktails to get experimental with taste is making our drink delicious, but it also comes with a flip side. From creamy chocolate martini to buttered rum, fancy drinks are more or less a dessert in disguise. Not only are they loaded with calories, but the taste factor also causes you to drink more. If you fancy a fancy drink, it would be wise to limit their servings.
  • Try infused/flavored liquor – Adding flavors to your drinks also means some extra calories. To cut on that extra bit of calories, you can opt for flavor-infused alcohol available nowadays. From green apple vodka to cinnamon rum, there are plenty of options that can tickle your taste bud without any added sugar.

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  • Have a game plan – You might end up drinking more beer after a whiskey as it may feel lighter, by comparison, known as the masking effect. Alternating the drinks with various alcohol content can be a shock to your system, so is mixing them. It is better to have a drink chosen for an occasion rather than switching from one to another.
  • Go for a light beer – Need a low carb-low cal drink? Light beer can be your perfect resort. The calories in this drink come from its alcoholic content, approximately 7 calories per gram. Light beer has low alcohol as well as low carbohydrates. Thus, it can give you fewer calories, along with a great taste.
  • Pick a clear drink – The color of your drinks says a lot about the kind of impact it has on your body. Dark liquors like whiskey and rum have congeners, compounds typically responsible for your next day hangover. On the other hand, clear liquors such as vodka or a glass of champagne can make for a better choice.
  • Do your math – If you are planning to drink, it is better to go prepared with little information. Know the alcohol content of the drinks, and serving values of the same. Rather than counting your drinks, calculate the actual amount of alcohol in your system. An average body takes one hour to clear 10 grams of alcohol. This way, you will know how much you should drink and when to stop.
  • Pop in fresh-pressed juices – Lighten your drinks by going for a simple version, rather than one filled with artificial flavors. So, instead of opting for a pina colada, you can go for vodka and pineapple juice. Any fresh-pressed juice could be a better mixture, as it can give your drinks a dash of nutrition. Why not ask your bartender to add fresh mulled berries for that extra punch of flavor.

The health effects of drinking have always been a topic of debate. While, too much alcohol is bad for your health, drinking in moderation, is said to have some amount of health benefits. No matter what drink you choose, it is very important to pace yourself.

A set of ground rules can help you subside the negative effects of overindulgence. Remember, subtle details matter, even simple things like hydrating takes you a long way. Savor your drinks and always keep them counted.

Alex is a full time consultant with 10+ years experience in the wine & spirits + consumer packaged goods industries. He is not a professional bartender, but is BarSmarts certified and makes a mean caipirinha. When not writing, Alex can be found traveling, spending time with his family, or bar hopping.

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