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Unofficial Grammy’s 2013 Drinking Game

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It’s Grammy season again, and in case you’re hiding under a rock somewhere, you probably know the Grammys are tonight. The Grammys, and it’s acting equivalent the Oscars, are similar to sporting events, in that they bring together people to have watch parties similar to tailgating. The similarities also include the drinking that often ensues. It may be more wine and less vodka, but it’s still drinking none-the-less and we don’t judge here at 101. We’ve gathered a few fun events that are likely to happen tonight and created a Grammy’s 2013 Drinking Game to make things a bit more interesting. Try it tonight and see if you don’t enjoy this years show a little bit more than any of the previous years. Cheers!

  1. Take one shot every time someone’s speech goes over the allotted time and the orchestra “drowning out” music begins playing.
  2. Take one shot for every presenter that is in no way associated with the music industry. (Doesn’t sing/dance/produce)
  3. Take one shot  for each time during a hip-hop performance that they show a fellow rapper standing up and bobbing to the music.
  4. Take one shot each time Nicki Minaj makes an awkward facial expression while on camera.
  5. Take one shot for every wardrobe or hat change LL Cool J does.
  6. Take one shot every time Lady GaGa changes costumes.
  7. Take one shot for every Chris Brown and Rihanna reference.
  8. Take one shot for every artists that thanks or mentions Whitney Houston. 
  9. Take one shot every time Kanye West praises himself during an acceptance speech or performance.
  10. Take one shot anytime someone thanks Rick Rubin or Clive Davis for their contribution to the industry.
  11. Take one shot anytime Fun., Frank Ocean, or Mumford and Sons and/or Kanye West wins an award.
  12. Take one shot for every Musical Performance.

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Alex is a full time consultant with 10+ years experience in the wine & spirits + consumer packaged goods industries. He is not a professional bartender, but is BarSmarts certified and makes a mean caipirinha. When not writing, Alex can be found traveling, spending time with his family, or bar hopping.


  1. Pingback: Unofficial 2013 Oscars Drinking Game | Intoxicology 101 | Drinks Made Better

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