
2016 Cocktail Week Calendar: PLAN AHEAD!

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2016 Cocktail Week Calendar: Plan Ahead!

Who likes booze? We do! So much so that over the last 5 and a half years we’ve been lucky enough to attend some pretty awesome drinking events. Some call it a cocktail week, some a festival, some a conference, but we do know is when you combine a lot of booze  and a lot of learning all in one location for a (relatively) low price a lot of fun happens and we learn a sh*t ton about new brands, best uses for spirits, cocktails and emerging trends. Tales of the Cocktail popped our cherry in 2011 and since then we’ve been addicted. Don’t think these events aren’t for you, anyone can attend! We’ve run into drink snobs, members of the media, employees of brands, and then just regular folks looking for a good time. The one’s hosted in major cities or heavy tourist areas tend to get a lot of “walk ups” that just see they can drink a lot for a little.

Occasionally events reach out to us asking us to attend, and we’re so flattered, but unfortunately we can’t make them all, especially this year with baby #2 on the way in April. But with proper planning and coordination there’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to attend one near you or even make some arrangements to travel. We borrowed this awesome idea to put together a cocktail weeks calendar from LACocktails, and made a few additions to help you plan some booze trips this year. January has already come and gone, so you’ve missed out on a few awesome one’s already. Good news is there’s still 11 more months and even better, most of these are annual so you can be better prepared for next year! We’ll be adding more events to this calendar as we find them.













WhiskeyFest New York: December 1st


Hope this helps! Looking forward to a fun and boozy 2016. And to those of you putting on these awesome events, if you’re hosting any cocktail weeks or conferences and your name isn’t on this list, feel free to shoot us an email or comment below.


Alex is a full time consultant with 10+ years experience in the wine & spirits + consumer packaged goods industries. He is not a professional bartender, but is BarSmarts certified and makes a mean caipirinha. When not writing, Alex can be found traveling, spending time with his family, or bar hopping.

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