
A Boozy Salted Caramel Milkshake

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Ok so a bit of a pre-warning… I rarely if ever encourage drinking bud light, or any of its products. As a former Miller Lite employee, I just got use to never trying the stuff. On top of that I’m not even a big beer drinker, but when I do I go for something  usually considered “craft” or snobby haha. BUT, A reader passed along this recipe they got from the folks at Bud Light and they absolutely loved it. In fact, she encouraged me to try it, and share it with others. I tried it, it was actually pretty damn good, and now i’m holding up my end and making sure you guys get a chance to try it this weekend. Booze and milkshakes are never a bad combo. We’ve attached the recipe and the photo for easy following. Write it down, print it out, just don’t miss out. A special thanks to Jenna in D.C. for passing this one along.


Photo courtesy of Bud-Light

Alex is a full time consultant with 10+ years experience in the wine & spirits + consumer packaged goods industries. He is not a professional bartender, but is BarSmarts certified and makes a mean caipirinha. When not writing, Alex can be found traveling, spending time with his family, or bar hopping.

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