
Cocktail of the Week: Cream Soda

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This week’s featured cocktail is about as simple and tasty as it gets. Two ingredients that combine to create a party in your mouth. The Cream soda cocktail, or “adult” cream soda as I like to call it, is one of the first cocktails I tried while in college and I have never forgotten it. The original recipe calls for “vanilla” vodka, but after experimenting with several different brands of Vanilla Vodka I have found it to be perfect with a particular brand. This drink goes well with just about any occasion, and its simplicity will make it a great go-to drink when you have limited time and/or money on your side.

1 1/2 oz Stolichnaya Vanilla
4 1/2 oz Ginger Ale
Lime Wedge

Add ingredients together in a High Ball glass and stir. Add lime wedge garnish.

Alex is a full time consultant with 10+ years experience in the wine & spirits + consumer packaged goods industries. He is not a professional bartender, but is BarSmarts certified and makes a mean caipirinha. When not writing, Alex can be found traveling, spending time with his family, or bar hopping.

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