Reality shows have taken over our television sets. We wont always admit it, but we all watch one, and most of us are addicted. Whether you’re into hunting, beauty pageants, ghost hunting, or just a sap for a good love story, there’s a show for you. Tonight, Diageo presents “Worlds Best Bartender”, a four part mini series on The Travel Channel that follows 44 of the worlds most elite mixologists as they compete for the prestigious title of Worlds Best Bartender. Each year liquor giant Diageo holds a competition to discover the next great crop of mix masters using unique ingredients, techniques, and trends. These tasty libations will be judged by a Hall of Fame panel of judges including: Dale DeGroff, Gary Regan, Julie Reiner, Steve Olson, Peter Dorelli and Salvatore Calabrese. The competiton itself is considered the most elite competition in the industry, and this past year featured over 7,000 bartenders from 44 countries participating.
These bartenders won’t have it easy, they’ll be tested on everything from knowledge of spirits, to food pairings, to speed and accuracy. The competition starts tonight at 11:00 ET on the Travel Channel. Whether you’re a bartender looking to learn some new tricks, or just a drink enthusiast like me, Diageos World Best Bartender competition is sure to be worth a watch.
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