Let me be clear, I am a complete sucker when it comes to “limited edition” bottles. I buy them for special occasions, I collect them, and even though there is absolutely nothing different about the product inside, I’m spending my money. So when I made my latest trip to the package store and saw the new Svedka Party Edition bottle o n the shelf, my eyes lit up like a kid at the candy store. The new packaging is eye catching with bright bursts of patriotism, red white & blue of course. With Summer right around the corner, it’s probably going to be a no-brainer when you head to your parties for Memorial Day, July 4th, or any Summer vacation getaways. So if you’ve got plans to drink this weekend, or this Summer at all, this might be a nice pick up for you.
For more information on Svedka Party Edition visit their website here or check them out on Facebook!