…..They’ve done it again. I don’t know about you, but I was a HUGE fan of camping as a kid, but more in theory than in practice. Bugs, sweating, and dirt in the middle of nowhere not so much, but hot chocolate, hot dogs and S’MORES in the backyard, yes please! So when I heard word of yet another attempt by Three Olives Vodka to take advantage of my childhood nostalgia with a new s’mores vodka, I had to see what this was all about. Sure enough Three Olives has managed to capture the famous campfire favorite into a bottle and made it drinkable. S’mores cocktails aren’t new though, and were commonly created using variations of vanilla vodka, cream liqueurs, such as Baileys, and graham cracker bits. Three Olives has cut out the middle man here and made it even easier for you to make at home. Considering these are the same folks that brought us “Froot Loop”, “Mt. Dew”, and “Birthday Cake” flavored vodkas, I can’t say I’m surprised. As much as I try to lean towards the opinions of MANY alcohol experts out there, claiming the “flavored spirit” craze is getting out of hand, I can’t help but side with the consumers who continuously purchase, drink, and enjoy these flavors (including myself sometimes). After all, the customer is always right, right?
If it’s anything like their latest set of wacky flavors it’s sure to be a huge hit. It’s not quite as unique in flavor as say the Froot Loop vodka. Chocolate is already a highly popular and mixable flavor used in spirits, and with the introduction of marshmallow vodka in the past year, that too is not something too crazy and falls along the lines of a vanilla. Add in the sugar and honey flavor associated with graham crackers, and you’ve got yourself a pretty awesome combination for dessert martinis, holiday cocktails, and more. We have yet to get our hands on a bottle, but trust me, ours is on the way and we’ll be bringing you the Three Olives Smores review as soon as we can. In the mean time we’ve got some Three Olives Smores recipes provided courtesy of ThreeOlives.com as well as video showing us how to make it’s signature martini, the Campfire Martini. Cheers!
S’mores Sea Salt Martini
- 2 parts Three Olives S’mores Vodka
- 2 parts half &, half
- Sea salt
- Chocolate syrup
Dip the rim of martini glass in chocolate syrup and coat with sea salt. Drizzle the chocolate syrup inside the martini glass. Pour Three Olives S’mores and half &, half into martini shaker filled with ice. Shake and strain into martini glass!
Campfire Martini
- 3 parts Three Olives S’mores Vodka
- Crushed graham crackers, chocolate syrup, marshmallows
Dip the rim of martini glass in chocolate syrup and coat with crushed graham crackers. Pour Three Olives S’mores into martini shaker filled with ice. Shake and strain into martini glass. Garnish with a skewer of three marshmallows
- 1 part Three Olives S’mores Vodka
- 1 part Cinnamon Whiskey
Want S’more Cake:
- 1 part Three Olives S’mores Vodka
- 1 part Three Olives Cake Vodka
- Whipped Cream and Graham Cracker
Serve chilled as a shot with whipped cream and graham cracker garnish.
S’mores Hot Chocolate:
- 2 parts Three Olives S’mores Vodka
- 4 parts Hot Chocolate
- Whipped Cream
- Graham Cracker
- Marshmallow
Blend S’mores and hot chocolate together in a mug. Garnish with whipped cream, graham cracker, and marshmallow!
Though we haven’t had the pleasure of trying this one yet, I’m sure it’s going to give adults a WHOLE new reason to start going camping with OR without their kids. For more information on Three Olives S’mores visit ThreeOlives.com
*Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or StumbleUpon to get our latest cocktail recipes, spirit reviews, and drink related news. For any questions, comments or concerns please email us at [email protected]*
Photos were provided courtesy of Three Olives, Kana Okada and The Food Network.
Any other recipes out there?
Smores vodka
chocolate syrup
Soooooo yummy!! 🙂
Pingback: 5 Ways to Celebrate National S'mores Day | Totally Love It
Looking for more drink ideas for s’mores three olives please if you can help
Try some of their suggestions here … http://www.threeolives.com/flavor/smores
Everyone wants a clever way to make this ish taste okay. Lol!
please do not buy this, it tastes like moldy corn flakes
haha, well there are a few corn flakes fans out there I’m sure that are now eager to grab a bottle! Honestly though, everyone has their own opinion and we respect it.
Do you mind if I quote a couple of your posts as long as I provide credit and sources back to your site? Thanks!
No Problem.
0/10 tastes like rotten tootsie rolls. Worst shot of anything iv ever had 33 years old. Plug your nose to get it down and hold it plugged for 2+ minutes.